
Koji Noshita

Research Interests

I am broadly interested in evolutionary morphology and morphometrics.

  • Morphometrics of animals
    • gastropod shells
  • Morphometrics of plants
    • leaves of cassava, soybean, sorghum and wheat
  • Morphometrics of artifacts
    • Earthenware


  • Theoretical morphology
  • Morphometrics
  • Mathematical biology
  • Plant phenotyping
  • 3D image analysis



  • 2006 - 2010 B.S., Geoscience (Shizuoka Univ., Japan)
  • 2010 - 2012 M.S., Mathematical Biology (Kyushu Univ., Japan)
  • 2010 - 2015 Ph.D., Mathematical Biology (Kyushu Univ., Japan)

Professional Experience

Teaching Experience

  • 2010 - 2012
    2013 - 2014 Teaching Assistant (Kyushu Univ.)
  • 2018 - present Exercises for Computational Biology

Field Experience

  • Jan., 2013 - Feb., 2013 Photogrammetry of gastropod shells for estimating the morphological diversity
    in National Museum of Natural History (USA), Host Researcher: Ellen Strong
    Studying abroad program for young scientists of global conservation ecology
  • Sep., 2013 Fish and shellfish survey
    Sarawak, Malaysia GCOE: Asian Conservation Ecology
  • Jan., 2014 - Feb., 2014 Photogrammetry of gastropod specimens
    in National Museum of Natural History (USA), Host Researcher: Robert Hershler
    GCOE: Asian Conservation Ecology

Awards, Prizes and Honours

  • 2016 JSB Best Presentation Award (the 130th meeting), Japanese Society of Breeding
  • 2012 PSJ Best Poster Prize (the 161th regular meeting), Palaeontological Society of Japan
  • 2012 Repayment Exemption for Students with Excellent Grades, Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)

Research Funding

  • JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists, Mathematical modeling for 3D plant morphology as fundamental technologies of plant phenotyping, PI Koji Noshita, 2021.04.01-2024.03.31
  • RIKEN-Kyushu Univ Science and Technology Hub Collaborative Research Program, Advanced plant phenotyping platform boosted with 3D morphometrics and mathematical modeling, PI Yuko Makita (RIKEN) & Koji Noshita (Kyushu Univ.), 2021.04-2022.03.
  • JST-MIRAI Program “Common Platform Technology, Facilities and Equipment” area, Small-start Type (Component technology type), Development of mathematical sciences framework for “morph” and social implementation of their logic toward real-world issues, PI Koji Noshita, FY2020-2022.
  • JSPS KAKENHI Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)), Scientific reconstruction of nature in the Edo period using the Siebold collection, PI Takenori Sasaki (Co-I Koji Noshita), 2020.10-2024.03.
  • JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientifc Research (B), 3D Morphology on Museum Collections: quantifying and improving shape recognition, and application for public display, PI Takenori Sasaki (Co-I Koji Noshita), 2020.04-2023.03.
  • JST CREST, A novel approach for plant growth modeling based on comprehensive genome-environment interactions using large-scale digital images, PI Ryo Akashi (Co-I Koji Noshita, from 2020.04), 2016.10.01-2022.03.
  • Kyushu Univ. Education and Research Grant Program for Mathematical and Data Science, A 3D morphological dataset and novel descriptors to represent whole plant architecture, PI Koji Noshita, 2019.07-2020.03
  • JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area, “Out of Eurasia”), Integrative studies of anthropological, archaeological, and cognitive evidence through 3D database construction and mathematical analyses and modeling, PI Hisashi Nakao (Co-I Koji Noshita),
  • JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists, 3D morphological benchmark datasets for accelerating plant phenotyping studies, PI Koji Noshita, 2019.06.28-2024.03.31
  • JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientifc Research (B), Systems Bone Biology ~ From prediction to critical prevent of bone and cartilage disease, PI Masahiro Shinohara (Co-I Koji Noshita), 2018.07.18-2021.03.31
  • JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientifc Research (B), Studies on helical growth mechanism of molluscan shells: Toward establishing paleo-evo-devo, PI Kazuyoshi Endo (Co-I Koji Noshita), FY2018-FY2022
  • JST PRESTO, Super-resolution phenotyping of plant shoot architecture by multiscale morphological data fusion, PI Koji Noshita, FY2016-FY2019
  • JSPS Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, Mathematical Study of Morphological Adaptation and Morphogenesis, PI Koji Noshita, FY2012-FY2014

Referee Activities

  • Journal of Marine Biology, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Scientific Reports, BMC Evolutionary Biology, Frontiers in Plant Science, Plant Methods, Plant Phenomics

Academic Societies

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